IDES Volunteer Testimony

January 18, 2022


Since retiring 4 1/2 years ago Laurel and I have been on 6 deployments with IDES, from Louisiana to Michigan and from Iowa to The Bahamas, and each one was unique. We have mucked out houses, torn out drywall and insulation, cut and hauled trees, hung drywall, built sheds, replaced roofs, and, more importantly, we have prayed a lot and laughed a lot, and even cried a lot with hurting people. For, while every situation is different, people are the same. 

We may be different colors, different ethnicities, different denominations, different economic levels, different life stories, but in a disaster we are all alike. We hurt and we grieve, we struggle to make sense of what's happened, and we need hope. That's what IDES is all about and it is an honor to be able to participate in bringing help and hope to people in the Name of Jesus. In fact, I often tell people I don't know of anything more rewarding or more fun than working beside brothers and sisters showing the love of God to others. We love it that IDES always works through a congregation or missionary so that people know the aid is coming in Christ's Name and a local pastor will follow up to try to form a lasting relationship. It is awesome to see the overwhelming generosity and helpfulness of people after a disaster, but that help will be temporary and less than effectual if it isn't connected to an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ.

You don't have to be retired to serve. You don't have to know how to build a shed. You don't have to be able to run a chainsaw. You just have to be willing and available to God. You can donate money (and 100% of designated donations go to that designation). You can help in the office or warehouse at Noblesville. You can go to a disaster and help with cooking, sorting, cleaning. And you can listen to people and pray with them and give a hug. You can be God's love to people who need to see it and feel it.

-Jon Gillespie, IDES Volunteer